I thought I'd post a bunch of stuff that is in my head so that maybe I can move on to filling it with other stuff.
First, the song. It's stuck in my head. I love the sound of her voice and the way it just flows...and the movie is my favorite.
For that matter...I'm spirited away. My head is somewhere, my heart is somewhere else off on its own, my body is here at work in my work chair accomplishing little, and my spirit...it is just away right now. I can almost reach it, I can almost gather them all back together...but i just miss them.
I saw this quote today that I liked: "I do not have what I own, nor do I have what I do. I only have what I am." - D. Trinidad Hunt It makes quite a bit of sense to me. I would even add "I own what I do" and it would end the same way.
Well...I'm out of time, so you just got a small glimpse into the scattered energy that is me today. Scattered or not...it has been a good day. I was able to tame one errant thought...laugh at another...and act on yet another. The rest are still errant however, so wish me luck!
Spring 2017 Pictures
7 years ago
Sounds like you are in an emotional growth spurt. that's a good thing.
Maybe...just call me Sprout. LOL.
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