Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Disclaimer: This is a rant. This is only a rant. If this were a real plea for a break it would require me relinquishing all of the positive things I have learned in my life, so please don't tell them to me because I already know.

I AM REALLY TIRED OF BAD NEWS. It's like I can't catch a break. I have a "New Bad News of the Month" club now, or something. I'M PISSED! I hate liars, I hate insurance companies, I hate mean people, I hate dishonest people, I hate people who have their mind so made up they won't listen to anything that doesn't fit their little tiny box of opinion and understanding, I hate hospital accounting offices, I hate "we can't do that because we don't do that, no matter what the circumstances", I hate the word "no", I hate cheaters, I hate Sarah Palin, I hate the Tea Party, and I hate that I am currently hating so many things!!

There. I said it.

That is all. I am finished ranting.

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