So, okay. I'm completely fascinated with you people who can sit down and so clearly write your deepest thoughts and feelings. I used to be able to do that; when I was in a bad relationship, angry, upset, or just needed to vent. But the good things, the things that I see and experience on a daily basis, I am less likely to write about. Those things are fleeting, and when I see or think about them I want to write a lot or my mind always goes into a poem or an instant camera to take a picture of it. But usually I'm driving and if you know me at all you know that it is only moments before my next distraction and "poof" there goes the old one.
A good example is the link attached to this entry. I always like to find a link of some sort to go with the title, even if it isn't exactly what I mean, but close. It was about synchronicity, and then all of these other links distracted me and I wanted to go visit them all before I even wrote this entry. So...just keep in mind I haven't read the link.
MY POINT IS that I am going to start a creative writing memory project. When I see things while I am driving, and I don't always have a camera or the superpower to stop time while I'm driving to take a picture of what I see, I am going to try to write about it as soon as I can, in as creative of a way that I can, so you can see it the way I saw it. Of course, this may be the only entry about it, because I'll forget and move onto something else, but hopefully not.
My first entry, and the reason I titled this Synchronicity is from a couple of weeks ago. I had just downloaded new songs to my ipod and was listening to them on my way to work. The song I was listening to is called "Timebomb" and it's by Beck. I don't remember the words or song as much as I remember the title, because at the time I was driving behind a very large truck that was carrying something I didn't recognize. It looked like a pod, or a ball of giant bars, or...a time bomb. So of course I had to risk my life, and everyone else's and take out my phone and take a picture (one of the few times I will be able to do this in relation to my "moment"). So I took a picture of the wierd ball...listening to the song Timebomb...and noticed that the brand name of the truck, as listed on the plate attached to the back of it said "Infinity". Not like the car. Just a metal plate with the word Infinity, while I'm listeing to a song called Timebomb and the truck is carrying what could very well have been (from that dimension) a time bomb.
Great post. & it was posted at 11:11. Very intriguing. Hope you'll visit our blog at www.ofscarabs.blogspot.com on synchronicity. Please send us any more stories you've got and we would be delighed to post them.
There are so many times that I see random things or lives suddenly collide. If you can capture those on camera and in writing, it would be really amazing. I find that the more I write about something, the more I understand myself and my own feelings about it.
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