Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Nothing I Can Do
....first morning ever to have seen the sun must have run the other way...til she found that it was only getting earlier that way...
...first lesson ever to have learned its way must have been surprised...
...first river ever to have met the sea ... I believe it must have sighed...after all I haven't just been wasting my time...
There is nothing that I can do but belong to you. Heaven and Earth and I find myself singing this song for you. As luck would have it, it just so happens there's nothing I'd rather do...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I think what I am trying to say is that he is the real thing. He may not be "the one". I don't really believe that exists anymore, although I do feel like there are a select few who come very close to that. But, he is the real thing. He treats me like I am important, and inspirational, and magical, and beautiful - even when I'm naked! He is the first human I could ever be naked in front of, and not be self-conscious and hyperconscious of every extra roll, or cellulitic dent in my body. I've never had that.
My point in sharing this with anyone, at the risk of it being TMI, is that I can tell, by the simple existence of this relationship, that I have healed. I have healed from the psychological predictions that my childhood experiences afforded me. I have healed from the misconceptions my mother and grandmothers have ingrained into me. I have healed from being speechless, from having no voice. I have healed from being completely used, hurt, and abused by the relationships I have chosen to participate in before now. I have healed from MOST (not all) of my self esteem and self-worth issues...and I did all of that before I realized we were going down that "path". The one I really wanted to walk with him.
So I'm here to tell those who haven't found that yet, that you can and will. And I'm here to tell those who have that - thank you for being proof that it exists - even if it seems fleeting to some of us who get to experience it. everyone else who doesn't even know this blog exists...there is no time frame. You will meet him when you meet him. Things are moving at their own magical pace for each of us and I (nor should you) feel an obligation to rush that pace or make things happen that aren't ready to happen. I tried that more than once, and was severely disappointed - just because I was trying to make other people happy, or fulfill some bizarre expectations I have accumulated from others during my life.
Now I have to pee - for the 47th time today. So I sign off with the video of my song for him. Yeah, gag, puke, whatever you want, but this is the song that is him. Goodnight!!
One More Thing
Now look at the time of my last post.

So, okay. I'm completely fascinated with you people who can sit down and so clearly write your deepest thoughts and feelings. I used to be able to do that; when I was in a bad relationship, angry, upset, or just needed to vent. But the good things, the things that I see and experience on a daily basis, I am less likely to write about. Those things are fleeting, and when I see or think about them I want to write a lot or my mind always goes into a poem or an instant camera to take a picture of it. But usually I'm driving and if you know me at all you know that it is only moments before my next distraction and "poof" there goes the old one.
A good example is the link attached to this entry. I always like to find a link of some sort to go with the title, even if it isn't exactly what I mean, but close. It was about synchronicity, and then all of these other links distracted me and I wanted to go visit them all before I even wrote this entry. So...just keep in mind I haven't read the link.
MY POINT IS that I am going to start a creative writing memory project. When I see things while I am driving, and I don't always have a camera or the superpower to stop time while I'm driving to take a picture of what I see, I am going to try to write about it as soon as I can, in as creative of a way that I can, so you can see it the way I saw it. Of course, this may be the only entry about it, because I'll forget and move onto something else, but hopefully not.
My first entry, and the reason I titled this Synchronicity is from a couple of weeks ago. I had just downloaded new songs to my ipod and was listening to them on my way to work. The song I was listening to is called "Timebomb" and it's by Beck. I don't remember the words or song as much as I remember the title, because at the time I was driving behind a very large truck that was carrying something I didn't recognize. It looked like a pod, or a ball of giant bars, or...a time bomb. So of course I had to risk my life, and everyone else's and take out my phone and take a picture (one of the few times I will be able to do this in relation to my "moment"). So I took a picture of the wierd ball...listening to the song Timebomb...and noticed that the brand name of the truck, as listed on the plate attached to the back of it said "Infinity". Not like the car. Just a metal plate with the word Infinity, while I'm listeing to a song called Timebomb and the truck is carrying what could very well have been (from that dimension) a time bomb.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Well, after my 45 minute search specifically looking for "Maxine Waters Socialism Video Clip FAKE!" I found the exact "statement" I needed to believe the clip. Yeah, she said it. And even her statement didn't sound like she really regretted saying it half as much as she regrets that because of the misspeak, the other five hours of questioning was lost.
So, her almost offhanded dismissal of the word Socialism ("a scary term to most") made me think about the meaning behind the word even more than I have lately. Because, all of a sudden, I am noticing that we Dems are being referred to as "Socialist Democrats" rather than just "Democrats". And, to further complicate matters, the word she apparently meant to say was "nationalize" instead of "socialize". It didn't really help that the folks around her were cracking up in the wake of her blunder.
So, what is the difference between Socialize and Nationalize? Feel free to share your opinion as I do some more research on this neglected part of my knowledge base. I leave you now, with these two things:
1. The Clip
2. This article link that made me feel better about being tied by political party to an "ism":
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Train Stop
DO NOT HAMMER ON CAR does it know that I want to do that right now?
I have been sitting at this jucture for at least 20 minutes, not counting the 10 minutes I sat one mile from where I am now. For a while, I was looking at "Used Oil" tanks and wondering how and where the oil was used. But then, finally, the train started to slooowwwlly move and I got excited that progress was being made!
ASIDE: About a year or three ago, Sage and I came upon the very same railroad track, heading the opposite direction. A train was in progress before us, and it was SLOW. I said, out loud (my bad) "COULD THIS TRAIN GO ANY SLOWER??!!??" Well, yes. It could. It stopped. Then, after stopping, it started rolling backwards and stopped again. Sage has never let me live that down. train stopped again and I find myself looking at this "Do Not Hammer On Car" sign more than a normal cursory glance would suffice. I find myself regretful that I left my phone at home. That sign would make a great addition to my online "random signs" collection. Thank God I don't have a hammer. because at this point I just want to know...does someone sleep in there? Will it blow up if I hit it with a hammer? Is it really such a problem that they had to paint that sign on the side of that one car?
The other car that I'm looking at just has graffiti tags on it. It's that dark red color, with a sign that says, in small, white letters : DO NOT RUN CAR WITH HATCHES OPEN. Well...that makes sense.
I'm a little thankful for this time. Other cars and trucks are scurrying around, turning about to find their way around the train/obstacle. I know the only way is 6 miles west of me, and with my luck the train will have moved by grocery store or bank lines.
The railroad crossing lights are flashing in time to the song from my ipod. Yeah, I have my ipod...just not my phone.
There's an old black man in his car, next to mine. He has been here as long as me. We are the two holding our place, making our stand. He isn't phased anymore than me. He's reading his newspaper while I'm reading my book, listening to my music, and writing. The woman behind me is drinking her she knows it doesn't matter if the train shoots by now, or not.
I'm thinking of pulling into the feed store that is just to my right. They have pretty hummingbird feeders in the window, and a cool dog on the porch who is watching the cars stop, wait, and then leave.
I wonder if they have crickets? ...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I don't want anyone to talk to me (or at me, as some of them tend to do).
I don't want to smile at my superiors.
I don't want to answer the phone.
I don't want to be seen.
I am annoyed, angry, tired, and stressed out. I want to cry, but I'm not sad.
I'm tired of dealing with the bullshit and random crap that ends up in my lap.
I'm tired of deadbeat parents who feel no affinity toward their children, and feel perfectly okay with not being responsible for them at all, and don't understand that when you bring a child into the world, that child comes first above all else.
I'm tired of being promised things that will enable me to live a fairly stress-free life, only to have those things rescinded or never see them come to fruition.
I'm tired of politics; all kinds - local, state, national, and work-related.
I'm just tired and I want to be invisible today.
Monday, August 31, 2009
I'm having a difficult time feeling happy about either rescue, however, because before their rescue was the harrowing ordeal that all of those who were rescued had to endure. I'm hungry when I haven't eaten in a day, and thirsty after a few hours without water. I can't imagine what it felt like to cling to a boat for days and days, unsure whether they would be rescued or not. What did they do to make the days pass? How did they sleep without falling off the boat? Were they afraid of sharks or anything else in the water? Were they cold?
And I did the math; she had her first child at 14, her second child at 18. I can't figure how there weren't more, considering the stories emerging from the investigation. How terrified was she those first couple of years, or before her brain switched into the surrender/survival awful did she feel when she started her first period, and her mom wasn't there? I'm just sick about the whole thing. Her daughters...that man is their father...and they're completely brainwashed by his psycho religious babble (he claimed to be able to hear and talk to God, and had adjusted one of his speaker boxes to hear God better) I can't imagine what they are going to go through over this next stage of their lives. I hope that God takes special care of them.
Rescue is a bittersweet thing; the rescuers are heroes - true heroes...but it just hurts to think of what those who were rescued had to endure before that miraculous moment of their lives. Thank God for those who saved them, and those who surround them and love them and teach them to deal with their tragedy.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Make or Break it
I guess this was "Define the Relationship Week, part 2; One Year Later". I'm not sure how it escalated to this point so fast; what started as a slightly uncomfortable yet honest phone conversation ended up in a heartfelt e-mail exchange on both parts. I recognize what this is, and I guess by this time next week it will either be over or we'll be on our slow but steady progression to Stage #4. Integration.
Cross your fingers, folks. I'm voting for #4.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
918 up, 354 down
So deeply affected by love as to be unable to act normally. You awake every morning, thinkin on your love, having dreamt of them all night, the pain of separation searing your heart every time a site or smell brings back the memory of your last encounter. Daydreaming, drawing hearts in the sand, constantly thinking "I wish they were here so I could share this moment" even when pulling weeds or walking the dog. The consuming fire within the heart for even one more moment with ones love that defies rational thought, knowing full well, one moment would never be enough, yearning for eternity together.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Resist The Cardio Blues
Aerobic exercise is a great way to burn stress, manage your weight, strengthen your heart, and prevent disease.
With all the documented research on the benefits of aerobic exercise, people often skip this important part of training. Three reasons people tend to cut their cardio routine is boredom, physical impairments, and a lack of time. Usually the hardest part of the workout isn’t the workout—it is finding the motivation to do it.
Motivation has to come from within. Making the cardio portion of your fitness regimen the most enjoyable element isn’t as hard as you think. To keep the cardio blues from invading your workout, try some of these tips and find out what activities motivate you to get that heart pumping.
Outdoor activities:
•Shoot some hoops. Grab some friends from work and head to the local park for a pick up game to burn off some calories and stress from the office.
•Buy some inline skates. Skating really gets the heart pumping. It's a good option for individuals with knee problems.
•Take a hike. The scenery alone will make your workout more enjoyable. Hiking gets your heart pumping and muscles working in a different way than running or walking in your neighborhood.
•Train with a goal in mind. Whether it’s a 5K, 10K, triathlon or other fitness event—the first thing you need to do is sign up. Second, create a playlist with all of your favorite music on your MP3 player—it will motivate you and keep you going longer. Third, start your training program. Training with a goal will push you mentally to continue your workouts and push yourself hard each day.
Indoor activities:
•Exercise DVDs. Put together an exercise DVD library. These can help turn a room in your house to a gym for the day. Make sure to include dance and kickboxing DVDs to ensure you get aerobic exercise.
•Attend a new group exercise class. Not only could the class spark a new interest, but you could meet a new workout partner. Zumba—a Latin inspired dance class—is a great class that gets your heart pumping and hips shaking.
•Play a video game. This statement may seem like an oxymoron, but who says your children are the only ones that can enjoy your Nintendo Wii. Look for fitness games that get the whole family involved and cause you to break a sweat.
•Play with the kids. Grab the kids, put on your socks, and play sock skate tag on your wood or tile floors. With your socks on, simulate ice skating on your floor while trying to tag your kids. This is a great workout for your legs, glutes, and abs.
In the day-to-day routine, we get caught up with moving from one thing to the next missing one important aspect—having fun. If your workout needs a fun factor, focus on aerobic activities you enjoy doing the most. Think of sports or activities you did as a child or adolescence and do them as an adult. If you are having fun, chances are you’ll beat the cardio blues.
By: Meredith Rosson, Youth Director, Cooper Fitness Center, Dallas.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
One view of this phenomenon is that it exhibits the effect of compressibility and the so-called "N-wave".

Friday, June 26, 2009
There Goes My Saturday
However, in my process of trying to find the positive in the middle of the negative, I did discover that I can enroll my child in driving school for a low, low price of $350. Can you imagine the gray hairs, fights, and stress that will save me?? I'm thrilled. It's worth every penny!
So...getting ready to leave work, run two errands, work out for an hour, and go home to clean the house and be in bed by 10pm so I can wake up earlier than the birds and go to freaking defensive driving school.
Pray I don't get a ticket on the way...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Awesome Weekend
First, Friday was Sage's last day of 9th Grade. She's a Sophomore now. I can't believe it. She keeps reminding me, so that I will believe it. I keep telling her I haven't seen her report card yet, so she can't technically be a 10th grader. Yeah, whatever Mom.Friday after school, the pool was ready to be filled with water - so we left both hoses running all night. The past two summers we haven't opened the pool, and the summer before that we opened it for only a month. It pretty much looked like a lagoon.
Saturday was the beginning of a basketball tournament weekend. We had to be there at the crack of 8:00 am. She played better than I have ever seen her play. She was smart, and fast, and right where she was supposed to be. Her team got to play the elite teams, which meant they lost every game, but she had SO MUCH FUN playing that it didn't even matter what the score was. She even got to play FOR one of the elite teams, because they were short a few players. So exciting. All in all they played six games this weekend. Worn out girls - that's for sure.
In between games we would come home to check the pool level. Between the last two games, the pool was ALMOST full, so God added a little rain to help me out. With my new fence, and the broken trees gone, and the pool blue for the first time in years, It was a beautiful sight!
When I felt like it was full enough, I turned off the hoses and prepared to get the equipment working. It was time to start the filter and chemical process at last! So, I got my "get wet" clothes on, and fired up the filter!
WOOSH! Water went EVERYWHERE! I immediately turned OFF the filter and took a look at the equipment. There was a crack in the handle thingy, which I later learned was called a Valve Head. That crack was creating all kinds of problems and I knew it had to be replaced before I could do anything with the pool. So, in ten minutes I ran to the pool store, didn't know the name of the part so I came home and took pictures of it, and took them back to the pool store to show the parts guy so he could hook me up. Then, off to another game!
Sunday morning we had two more games to participate in. After the games, I started on my project again. I correctly installed the valve head, turned on the filter, and WOOSH! Water started shooting out of the drain that leads to the sewer! NOT GOOD! When in filter mode, no water should come out of anywhwere. So...back to the drawing board.
I had this brilliant idea to look up and read the user's manual for the filter I use (something I haven't done in the 11 years of owning a pool). I discovered there are parts that I don't even use, but that I should! So, I played around with those, and with the various settings of the valve, and you will never believe this, but I FIXED IT! The filter has been running for two days with no problems. I feel like Wonder Woman. I shocked the pool, added a giant chlorine tablet to the skimmer basket, and by tonight it should be good enough to swim in! It's so clear I can see how I already have to vaccuum the bottom, but that won't be a problem at all. It's just SO EXCITING to have an operating pool and it isn't even JUNE yet!!
Now it's time to plan my next pool party! Woo Hoo!
Off to Lake Haven! (i.e. AndyLand) I will post something on that later.
until then, enjoy the short work week!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
My Feelings Are Hurt
I know I'm holding on to stuff.
I know I just need to "Let Go"
But, every time I am done with it - everytime I know that I feel good and have let go and am moving on, something else happens to pile on top of the first thing that maybe I didn't really let go.
I hate the "Poor Me" syndrome in people. It's a complete turnoff. I have little compassion after the first bout of it with someone. When I hear others complaining that they were forgotten, or left out on purpose, my advice is always the same: First, it's "I'm so sorry, is there any way you can talk with this person about it?" if the answer is no, then I tell them "Let it Go! Screw them! You're better than that! You can't go back and change it! If you say something to whomever it was and THEN they do something about it, you'll feel even worse, so all you can do is let it go! If it happens again, maybe seize the moment and express yourself."
But I didn't. And my feelings are hurt. And I know I won't say anything, because I feel like it's petty and selfish of me and I already know what each of their answers will be. I'm not guessing - I really know what their answers will be. So, I'll let my feelings be hurt until they aren't anymore, and then I'll move on. Things have obviously changed, and I need to just accept that.
And now it's time for me to take my own advice. dammit.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
So, whats it going to be?
The Rapture?
They Mayan 12-21-2012 Prophecy?
Or are we just going to do ourselves in?
If you have any questions about the End of the World, click the title link and be entertained by this website.
Friday, April 24, 2009
7 Steps to Less Stress

2. Picture yourself with both your hands dangling in the cool running water.
3. Birds are sweetly singing in the cool mountain air.
4. No one knows your secret place.
5. You are in total seclusion from that hectic place called the world.
6. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity.
7. The water is so crystal clear that you can easily make out the face of the person you are holding underwater.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
How I'm Going To Make It Through The Recession
Courage to change the things which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Physics and Jesus Christ
I have wondered, ever since I started asking questions about how Jesus could reasonably exist, how to prove to others what I myself was questioning. I decided that even though I didn't know why, I believed - and I knew there was an explanation.
For the time, I just figured that if we knew the "how" then we could duplicate it, thereby playing God and causing our ultimate destruction. I have often felt that we are on the verge of a major understanding that will completely unravel us and our existence.
However, I think we can learn enough without learning the "how" if we just look at the science of our existence, comparing inner-space with outer-space. Quantam Physics has much to offer in the way of explanation.
Just the other day, as if in encouragement, a 17,000 year old image appeared to us - energy wrapped around a dying star PSR B1509-58 seems to be reaching for neigboring gas cloud RCW 89. Looks like the hand of God to me...

Stay tuned for more on this subject as it fascinates me to no end. There are books, articles, letters that support this idea. To the Believers, who think it is blasphemy to think science could have anything to do with Christ I ask "What are you afraid of? Why so close-minded?". To the non-Believers who try to use science to disprove Christ I ask the very same questions.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Mary Tyler Moore and Wrong Turns
I knew I would when I woke up fourteen times last night.
I knew I was off when I washed my hair twice this morning - not because the directions said to, but because I forgot I had just washed my hair.
I knew I was off when I drove two blocks past the street I'm supposed to turn on to get to work.
I knew I was when three of the four tops I tried on today didn't fit, and I'm still not sure my shoes match the rest of my clothes today.
Regardless, I pulled myself together, and as I walked into my building today and saw my reflection in the glass doors, I couldn't help but hear it when my constant mental narration turned into a scratchy theme song.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Some people say that a birthday is just a day.
I beg to differ.
My birthday is magic. Everybody's birthday is magic, most just don't know it. Mine is obvious, though, and everyone celebrates it! It's a special kind of holiday wherein you aren't required to give anyone presents, magical creatures are a given, and drinking beer is encouraged. It's a day of celebration, wearing green, tales of leprechauns, Ireland, the conversion of Paganism to Christianity, four leaf clovers, pots of gold at the end of a rainbow, and little men with red hair, green hats, patton leather shoes with buckles, and a slight evil streak. It's a lucky day. I feel special for being born on such a misunderstood, yet celebrated day. (That's me - misunderstood and celebrated haha)
I feel even more special that I was born two days after my mom; like I was her birthday present. I'm not sure she agrees about the present part; I guess presents aren't supposed to cause you labor.
This year I turned 40.
And, that's the funny thing. I'm 40 - YEARS OLD! I'm walking around, being 40, in what I guess is a 40 year old body, but I still feel like a kid, pretending to be a grownup. Most of my life, I have felt like I was walking around in a dream - other times, I felt like I was making stuff up as I went along, or just didn't get what was happening as it was happening. I think I didn't really "wake up" until I was about 22...the age my mother was when she gave birth to me. My brave mom. I don't think she was really ready for that, but she rocked it anyway.
So now, I'm older. Like a kid who gets a fake I.D., only the age on the I.D. is obviously older than they are. (There's a juicy story about my little brother in there somewhere) But I really am my age. I have to keep telling myself that.
Regardless of what age I am or what age I feel, I am happier right now than I have ever been. I have an amazing child. I have an amazing job. I have an amazing life. I have an amazing man. I wonder how old he feels? I wonder how old anyone feels?
I think I'll find out.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Brezny's Horoscope
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Beware of people who act like polite jerks or
tone-deaf music critics or emotionally numb lovers. While they may be
able to teach you a lot about what you don't need, they're not worthy
candidates for enduring relationships. Now let's turn our attention to the
question of who exactly does belong on your future team. What
encouraging voices should you draw into your inner sphere? What smart
adventurers should be solicited as staunch allies? Which respectful helpers
should be rewarded for the good influences they've had on you? It's an
excellent time to make those determinations.
It's always an excellent time to make these determinations.
Second Post
MyLife and MySpace were sucking up my creativity and spare time (okay not really, I have no spare time) so I deleted MySpace and I'm working on MyLife. (much better cause).
As time evolves, so will I.
Today is my second post. I am making progress.